Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 7, 2022

Trang Ánh Nam

Trang Ánh Nam

MSNBC host Ali Velshi slammed the Supreme Court for its ruling on abortion and gave credit to authoritarian foreign regimes for their abortion policies..

Posted: 03 Jul 2022 11:23 PM PDT

 Overturning Roe Vs. Wade makes America an outlier among developed countries. In countries like Canada, Greenland, the majority of Europe, Australia, New Zealand and others, a person can get an abortion "on request". There are varying limits on how far along the pregnancy is - but for the most part: if a person wants an abortion, they can get it. Then there are countries one might be more

Chris Hayes: “At this point, the committee is the only governing organ in the country that appears to be undertaking the project of fighting for American democracy with the zeal and acumen that it deserves.”

Posted: 03 Jul 2022 08:06 PM PDT

 MSNBC opinion columnist Hayes Brown penned a column decrying the latest term of the Supreme Court for having allegedly assaulted Americans' rights and blamed Democrats in Congress for not doing enough to stop the judicial branch.Brown opened his Friday column with the claim, "The Supreme Court ended its term Thursday having produced a string of decisions that with casual brutality threatened

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