Upgrade and start accepting payments today
All paid plans allow you to accept one-time and recurring payments from your site's visitors – there's no plugin required.
After you upgrade, just insert the Payments or Donations block to get started.
Upgrade to an annual paid plan now and get a 25% discount off your first year.
Promo code: PAYMENTBLOCK25
Flexible payment tools for your needs
A Payments button lets visitors pay for digital goods and services or make quick, pre-set donations.
A Donations form allows visitors to customize their financial support.
Individual sites have brought in $1K, $10K, even $50K+ hassle-free.
No membership fee
Low transaction fee
Included on all paid plans - no plugin required
Upgrade and then activate these payments tools in a few simple steps.
INSERT block
Create or connect a STRIPE account (one-time action)
SET UP block details
CUSTOMIZEblock design
MANAGEpayment settings
CUSTOMIZE block design
MANAGE payment settings
Start accepting payments today and give your website a boost.
Experiment with what works on your site - go forth and create!
Get the mobile app
View stats, moderate comments, create
and edit posts, and upload media.
Automattic, Inc.
60 29th St. #343, San Francisco, CA 94110
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